About the Cooperative

Ownership, Community, and Collective Action

Incubated by the United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives, Guilded is a multi-stakeholder cooperative with three kinds of member-owners: freelancer-owners, employee-owners, and investor-owners.  

When you become a Guilded member-owner, you have a stake in the organization. Although our staff manages day-to-day operations, members control Guilded’s vision and governance. Member-owners own equity in Guilded and receive a patronage account that grows in value as Guilded grows.

We encourage users to become member-owners if they are interested, but member-ownership is not a requirement

The process of becoming a member is a simple and low time commitment process. But if you aren’t sure that member-ownership is right for you, that’s ok! Users can still use Guilded to process contracts without becoming a full Guilded member. We’re here to improve your life, not control it.